
Playground and Park Re-opened

The Parish Council is pleased to advise that the Park and Playground on Brigg Lane is now open in time for the summer holidays.  The playground features new equipment which Cllrs hope everyone will enjoy and use safely and sensibly.

The Parish Council has carried out a risk assessment in line with Government guidance for reopening of playgrounds, and identified measures necessary to reduce the risk of infection of Covid-19 for those who use the playground – these are outlined below and on the link to the notice which will be posted at the playground.  It is important to note that Cllrs have a direct responsibility to monitor the playground and ensure that the risk assessment is being observed by members of the public for their own safety and well-being.  If Cllrs feel that this is not the case then they will have no choice but to close the playground again.  The risk assessment measures necessary to reduce the risk of infection of Covid-19 are:

  • if you or any member of your household has coronavirus symptoms or are self-isolating, then you must not visit our playground
  • no more than 10 people should be in the playground at any time and try and limit your visit to one hour to allow others to use the playground.
  • only one parent / guardian should enter the playground to supervise their child or children and only children from the same household or bubble should use a piece of play equipment at the same time
  • you and your children should stay at least 2 metres apart from others unless they are from the same household or bubble – or 1 metre if you are wearing face coverings
  • sanitise your children’s hands before and after they use the equipment – scientific advice suggests that the virus can survive for up to several days on some hard surfaces. It is recommended you sanitise hands after using each piece of equipment in the playground
  • there should be no eating or drinking while in the playground and encourage children to avoid putting their mouths on equipment, their hands in their mouths, or to touch their face
  • leave the playground clean and tidy for others, take your litter home with you or put it any bins provided

The notice for the playground is below

Reopening of Playground – Notice & Risk Assessment – Cammie


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