
Localplan (SEL)

Thu, 7 Mar at 18:03
Dear Parish / Town Council Clerk,

North Yorkshire Council (the Council) is holding a six-week consultation on the proposed submission documents relating to the Selby Local Plan, from Friday 8 March to 4:30pm on Friday 19 April 2024.

What is the Selby Local Plan?

The Selby Local Plan sets out the Council’s approach to development growth in the Selby area up to 2040. It is an important document as it sets out where new development will take place, as well as the local planning policies for determining planning applications and other development applications submitted to the Council in this area. Those sites allocated to be developed as well as areas for protection are identified on the Policies Map, which is part of the Selby Local Plan. Once adopted, it will replace the Selby District Core Strategy Local Plan (2013) and those policies that have been ‘saved’ from the Selby District Local Plan (2005). For further information about the Selby Local Plan please visit

A revised version of the draft Selby Local Plan is now out for formal Regulation 19 engagement. The Council has considered all the representations received to the 2022 Publication version consultation and has made changes to some of its decisions regarding the policies and development proposals based on the most recent evidence and comments provided.

The main differences between the 2022 Publication version and the Revised Publication version (2024) are that the Council now propose:

  • the removal of the proposed new settlement known as Heronby (STIL-D)
  • the addition of four further site allocations in:
    • Eggborough (EGGB-B (which also includes site EGGB-U))
    • Hambleton (HAMB-A)
    • Hensall (HENS-A) and
    • North Duffield (NDUF-D)
  • other revisions to policies in response to comments raised as part of the previous consultation stage in 2022
  • changes required to reflect the revised National Planning Policy Framework published in December 2023
  • some reformatting of site allocations policies for clarity and consistency

Where can I view the consultation documents?

From 8 March 2024, the Pre-Submission Revised Publication Selby Local Plan and some key associated documents are available to inspect in person at the following locations during their normal opening times. Please check opening times here: and ):

  • North Yorkshire Council – Selby Office, Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby YO8 9FT
  • North Yorkshire Council – County Hall, Racecourse Lane, Northallerton, DL7 8AD
  • Barlby Library and Community Hub, Howden Road, Barlby YO8 5JE
  • Selby Library, 62 Micklegate, Selby YO8 4EQ
  • Sherburn in Elmet and Villages Community Library, Finkle Hill, Sherburn in Elmet LS25 6EA
  • Tadcaster Community Library, Station Road, Tadcaster LS24 9JG
  • Supermobile Library

The wider evidence base, background papers and other supporting documents as well as the consultation documents themselves are available to view online on the Council’s online consultation portal which also gives further details on how to make your representation.

How do I find out more information?

The Council is hosting two virtual public meetings online during the consultation period where the revised Selby Local Plan will be presented and there will be an opportunity to ask questions. Please see the Council’s website: for further details and how to join these online events.

How do I make comments?

This Pre-Submission Revised Publication Local Plan is the version of the Selby Local Plan that the Council now proposes to submit to the Secretary of State for Examination.  The Publication stage is a formal stage of consultation under Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) Regulations 2012 (as amended). In line with the legislation and guidance, the Council is asking you to consider the Selby Local Plan and to submit your formal representation stating whether you consider it to be legally compliant, sound and in line with the duty to cooperate.  The Publication stage is not an opportunity to provide new information unless it relates to these reasons.

If you wish to make a representation seeking a modification, you should set out clearly in what way you consider the Selby Local Plan or part of the Selby Local Plan to be legally non-compliant or unsound, having regard as appropriate to the soundness criteria set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework.

Before you make your representations, please read our guidance notes which accompany the Revised Publication Representation Form available at:

Please submit your representations via the consultation portal at:

If you do not have access to the internet or an email account, please contact the Selby area Planning Policy Team on 0300 131 2131 and we’ll help you access the documents and be involved in this consultation.

If you have any queries, or need any help using the consultation portal, please contact the Selby area Planning Policy Team on 0300 131 2 131 or via the website at:

Please note that the deadline for submitting representations is 4:30pm on Friday 19 April 2024.

Please find attached a poster to display in your noticeboard.  We  have also sent paper copies of this notification and the attached poster in the mail.

Yours sincerely,

The Selby Planning Policy Team

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