
Christmas Event – Sunday 20th December

The Parish Council has received another letter from Father Christmas

He would like to thank everyone who asked for a small gift this year.

He has also told us that he can now make a short visit to the village in his busy schedule and even better, he will be joined by a Star Wars Stormtrooper to escort him around – they will be in Camblesforth on Sunday 20th December and the walkabout will commence at 3pm and follow the route below so keep your eyes open for them.

Important Safety Message

Grown-ups, please tell your kids that due to the nasty germs unfortunately they will not be able to hug Father Christmas or shake his hand this year and must not come up close to him

When we reach your street, Santa’s helpers will knock on the doors of the children who have requested a gift and leave this on the doorstep…. If you are in, please feel free to come out and see us, but Grown-ups, please keep your kids in your gardens – you may take photos but Father Christmas and the Stormtrooper will keep their distance from your children

Father Christmas’s helpers will be all wearing masks and using sanitizers regularly as we walk around.

Please ensure your family and all involved in this event are kept safe by observing the above measures during these difficult times

Father Christmas’s Route

Barn elms

Chapel court

Brigg Lane

Croft road

Millfield drive

Croft Road,

pinewood drive

Sandway Drive,

grange road

Prospect Close

Grange Road

Mill Lane

Manor Close

Selby Road

Brigg Lane.