
Update on Muga Pitch Closure

Cllrs discussed the situation with the condition of the muga pitch at the July meeting and noted the report from Streetscene which identified the surface was extremely slippery and dangerous and also that the fence had been vandalised. Streetscape have advised that the pitch needs to remain closed until the surface can be dealt with and have recommended a complete new surface of a sand base and artificial grass.
Cllrs unanimously agreed to the recommendation and the pitch will stay closed on the grounds of health and safety whist Cllrs consider options including quotes on a replacement surface. This is likely to be very expensive and there are no easy solution here as the likely cost will be outside of the current financial ability of the Parish Council. Cllrs will keep residents up to date and the matter will be discussed again at the next Parish Council meeting.
Cllrs apologise for the inconvenience caused especially as we are now in the summer holidays and fully realise that this will be disappointing for many children and young people who use the facility, however we hope you can appreciate this is necessary to avoid any injuries.
The rest of the park remains opens and Cllrs will give this matter top priority.