Report Dog Fouling
The Parish Council shares the concerns of many residents who have reported an increase in dog fouling in the village. A minority of irresponsible dog owners are not cleaning up after their dogs on pavements, open areas and even more worryingly, grassed play areas.
The Parish Council will be working with Selby District Council’s Dog Warden to proactively manage this problem in the village and dog owners are reminded that they can be fined up to £1,000 if they do not clean up after their dog.
We would encourage anyone witnessing a dog fouling incident to report this to any of the Parish Councillors, Parish Clerk or alternatively Selby District Council, via their website
Dog owners – when walking your dog
We would ask all dog walkers to note that all the public grass areas in the village (the park, Millennium Garden and Memorial Garden) are out of bounds for dogs, even on leads. These areas are clearly sign posted as no dog areas. Please respect these restrictions.
The Parish Council will take legal action against anyone who wilfully and intentionally ignores these signs