
Hoober Homes – Proposed Housing Development in Camblesforth

The Parish Council has spoken to Hoober Homes with regard to a proposed variation of an earlier planning application for 43 affordable homes in the village.  Following considerable opposition to the application from both the Parish Council and residents, Hoober Homes have now issued a variation to the original application (which may require a new planning application) which is the building of mainly private houses and a limited no. of affordable homes.

Hoober Homes are holding a public consultation with regard to the new plans at Camblesforth Hall on 14th June, between 3pm – 7pm.  Residents are encouraged to attend this session to get more information, ask questions and give feedback.

Full details can be found on their flyer here 35173 Cambleforth Flyer A03_PRINT (1)

Representatives from Hoober Homes will also be attending the June Parish Council Meeting to speak to Cllrs – please see the Notification of Meeting and Agreed Agenda once this is published.